(Reposted from LinkedIn)
CINCPACFLT Red Cell was an interesting experiment in 1987-1988, an attempt to see our own fleet operations and battle group transits through the eyes of the other guys. It was a victim of its own success.
In the last Red Cell operation my sequestered Red Cell analysts, working only from expected adversary sensor and intel data on U. S. operations, “directed” a simulated flight by adversary recon aircraft based on the anticipated track of a U. S. battle group. Right on schedule the real-world BEARs showed up at the battle group, an unpredicted dawn overflight that surprised and embarrassed our ops and intel folks both at the battle group and at the CINCPACFLT staff, a BAD THING. Soon after, the Red Cell program was terminated.
Being right and being useful do not overcome possible negative impact to the careers of those seeking flag rank.